Repair work scheduled to start at fire-damaged Marine Rescue radio base

Repair work is scheduled to start later this month (April) on the Marine Rescue radio base and Salty Crew Kiosk at Town Beach in Port Macquarie. The Marine Rescue radio base and kiosk were damaged during a building fire on September 12, 2019. The blaze originated from a female amenities area, causing smoke and heat…

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Vessel towed back to shore by Marine Rescue

Marine Rescue Port Macquarie members have ensured two fishos made it safely to shore after their vessel broke down on the water. Marine Rescue was alerted to the incident at about 6am on Saturday, February 29. Marine Rescue Port Macquarie unit commander Greg Davies said members responded and helped tow the six metre vessel back…

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Golfers raise thousands for Port Macquarie Marine Rescue

IT was a great day out on the green and the rain held off for a successful golf day to raise funds for Port Macquarie Marine Rescue. Teams from across the Hastings teed off at Port Macquarie Golf Club on Sunday, February 23. Marine Rescue spokesperson Chris Dickson said it was a great day of…

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Marine Rescue Port Macquarie urges boaties to log on

If Marine Rescue Port Macquarie’s Greg Davies had one wish it would be for more boaties to log on before they head to sea. The unit commander says logging on and informing the marine organisation just where boaties are heading is a simple procedure. “While we are happy with the way people are responding and…

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