Marine Rescue Port Macquarie urges boaties to log on

The unit commander says logging on and informing the marine organisation just where boaties are heading is a simple procedure.

“While we are happy with the way people are responding and logging on, there is still around 30 per cent of boaties who are not,” he said.

“This is really unfortunate. Boaties need to log on with us so we know where they are heading for the day’s outing.

“We only need basic information including, who they are, their boat registration and a contact number if we need to get in touch with them. It is not hard to contact us on VHF channel 16.”

Mr Davies said tourists visiting the area and putting to sea should also be aware of the need to log on with the organisation.

“I don’t know if there are just a lot of tourists up here at the moment, but I have real concerns if people don’t check in with us,” he said.

“My concern is that we would not know where to start searching for them in an emergency. It is a big ocean and we would not know where to find them.”

The base has been averaging about 30 vessels a day each morning with some days climbing as high as 70 boats in a day going over the bar.

The unit commander said Australia Day weekend is extremely busy for boaties with traditionally a lot of vessels on the water.

He urged boat captains to, check the conditions, check the bar, wear a life jacket and do a safety check on their boat or vessel before leaving home.

“We want people to stay safe and be happy and enjoy the water,” he said.

Mr Davies said the waterways had been relatively safe so far these holidays.

Boaties should log on with Marine Rescue Port Macquarie on VHF Channel 16.